THAYER Powder Feeder™ Model PF-S-6 (Uthrough)
A tented “U-Trough” feed chamber with independently driven agitator assures precise, reliable delivery of material to the feed screw. Eliminates material build-up, controls material aeration and delivers a steady and constant flow of material.
Trough is designed for fast, easy, and thorough clean out.

Proven ability to feed difficult powders
Thayer’s Models PF-S and PFM-S Volumetric Powder Feeders control both flooding and clogging problems associated with difficult-to-handle powders.
Deep Tear-Drop “U” trough screw feeder, featuring a dual wound horizontal agitator that moves material away from both front and back walls of the conditioning chamber above. The deepness of the trough assures that the screw is completely submerged in “quiet” material, free of the usual surface disturbances arising from the turning agitator above. This, along with an inherently larger trough “wrap-around” angle, provides for complete and efficient filling of each individual flight. The Tear-Drop shape of the trough is tapered in the direction of flow so as to relieve dynamic compaction forces as each flight advances toward the feed-tube entrance. This helps to maintain a more uniform material density throughout. Another advantage of the deep-trough design is that it is less susceptible to transient overfeeding that accompanies hopper refilling.

Feeder completely disassembles in less than one minute
High quality, rugged, stainless steel construction assures years of reliable, trouble free operation.
Patented system that assures reliable metering
The patented Thayer Scale “U-Trough” hopper and feed section provides the first practical and economical means for metering difficult powders. The geometry of the trough and agitator effectively de-aerate and contain the powder on initial fill to help prevent flooding.
Independently driven agitator maintains optimum material conditioning while screw speed can vary to control flow rate. Material does not build up within the trough or within the continuous screw tube, preventing blinding or erratic feed. The combination of unique features provides the most reliable and accurate feed system for difficult powders.