LWF-HC-V Loss-In-Weight Vibratory Feeder
Thayer Scale Loss-In-Weight Feeders are designed to provide precision class accuracy and repeatability even in the harshest of industrial environments. They range in capacity from grams per minute to tons per hour.
These are the most versatile feeders in the industry. At the heart of each Loss-In-Weight Feeder is a THAYER scale that has been designed exclusively for the stringent requirements of Loss-In-Weight feeding.
Thayer Scale offers a powerful set of proprietary add-on accessories that are designed to defeat the problematic flow issues encountered by industry such as bridging, flushing, adhesion and cohesion. Comprehensive process solutions that can only come from a company with over sixty years of experience.
LWF-HC-V Loss-In-Weight Feeder
The THAYER LWF-HC-V is a large capacity Loss-In-Weight Feeder is designed to assure uniform, non-pulsating accurate feeding of a wide range of materials, from free flowing to friable to cohesive.
The LWF-HC-V can be configured to be used in conjunction with many different styles of electromagnetic pan feeders up to 48″ wide.
Thayer Scale’s built in Automatic Test Weight Lifter (“ATWL”) provides a means for automatically applying a known test load and going through a calibration sequence on computer or push-button demand to check scale calibration. A “foolproof” self checking software algorithm in the feeder control instrumentation prevents erroneous calibration.
The test weight calibration method has proven accurate and reliable over decades of in-plant use. Unlike material sampling, it is always clean, fast and safe. Unlike electronic signal simulation, it actually tests the performance of critical electro-mechanical components under the full deflection range of the load cell.
- Accurately measures load regardless of load position
- Immune to support structure deflections and process vibrations
- Inherently self aligning to gravity
- Nulls out heavy tare loads
- 1,000% over load capacity
- Scale may be suspended from above or supported below
- Immune to shock or impact loads
- Easily accessible load cell can be accessed without removing the feeder
Patented “FMSS” (Force Measurement Suspension System) Cable Scale Technology
fmssThe Thayer Cable Scale (patented) is the most rugged and “forgiving” Load Cell Weighing System available on the market. It can take more physical “abuse” and can tolerate more foundation distortion/deflection than all other known designs.
The exclusive Thayer Scale “FMSS” Cable Suspension design provides extremely high sensitivity. Feeder “dead” load (feeder and weigh hopper) is mass-counterbalanced so that only material weight (live load) is measured. This feature helps assure excellent control in “noisy” environments.
All of the articulate parts of the scale mechanism are supported from “axially inextensible, but laterally yieldable” suspension elements (stainless steel pre-stressed aircraft cable, which are arranged to hang freely) vertically throughout their lengths under all operating conditions, thereby avoiding any appreciable spring or hysteresis effects, variations in mechanical advantage, or binding due to imperfect leveling.
Because of this unique mechanical property of the force transmission system, any laterally directed forces and shocks on the scale or its supported machinery can not cause destructive shear and bending stresses to develop in the elements themselves or at the load cell junction. The system, being yieldable in the lateral direction, is therefore effectively and completely protected by using laterally placed “stops” in proximity of the weighed structure.
Weight loss measurement is done by either Thayer’s LC-137 LVDT Load Cell or NTEP approved strain gauge load cell depending on application requirements.